Almond Butter Jar with Almonds

Simple 1 Ingredient Almond Butter

I am currently on an elimination diet to figure out my eczema problems. As a result, I have temporarily eliminated peanuts. Many yummy recipes call for peanut butter, and sadly I have had to bypass making these delicious desserts and snacks. I decided to give in and try almond butter even though I knew it was expensive. Spending $7-$10+ on a 16 ounce jar of almond butter is not my cup of tea. I am use to purchasing jars of natural peanut butter that only cost on average $2-$3 per jar.

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I purchased a 12 ounce jar (not 16 ounces) of natural almond butter at the store for around $5.00. A 12 ounce jar of almond butter goes pretty quickly especially when using it in place of peanut butter in dessert and snack recipes. After some searching, I learned how EASY and AFFORDABLE it was to make your own creamy almond butter.

Let me show you the cost difference:

16 ounce jar of store bought almond butter = $7-$10 up to $14+ 16 ounce jar of homemade almond butter = $4.66

That is a savings of roughly 40-65% off the store bought cost! How do I come up with $4.66 for homemade almond butter? Here is the breakdown: I purchased a 3 pound (48oz) bag of raw almonds from Costco for $13.99. A 3 pound bag contains around 9 cups of almonds. To make a 16 oz jar of almond butter, you need 3 cups. So $13.99 divided by 3 gives you $4.66. Costco has been the most affordable place I have found to purchase raw almonds.

I do want to point out that these almonds are not organic unfortunately. If you can afford to purchase organic almonds, you will most likely still save money by making your own almond butter!

This recipe only includes 1 ingredient–raw almonds! No added oils, salt, or sugar is needed to make this delicious, creamy almond butter. Almonds are nutritious in many ways:

  • high in fiber and protein, 1oz= 6g protein and 3.5g fiber
  • good source of healthy fats (poly and monounsaturated)
  • high in vitamin E
  • contain magnesium and manganese
  • high in phytic acid
  • contain antioxidants (protects cells from oxidative damage)

How to Make

To make homemade almond butter, you will need raw almonds, a baking sheet, and a food processor or powerful blender. I highly recommend silicone baking sheets (non-toxic) as they make cleaning up a breeze. Click here for my favorite affordable set of 3 variety sized silicone baking sheets. For the food processor or blender, I use the Ninja Blender. I use this blender for everything because the motor is so powerful it gets the job done! 🙂

Before processing, the almonds will blend and taste better if they are toasted. To toast, evenly spread out 3 cups of raw almonds onto a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 350F for 10 minutes.

The BEST non-toxic baking sheets! Easy clean up, toxic free, and affordable!

Carefully remove the baking sheet from the oven and let cool for at least 10 minutes. Once cooled, place the almonds in a food processor or blender.

Baked almonds in food processor
Almond butter almonds ready to blend
Ninja blender works great for making homemade almond butter!

The first stage of processing will result in chopped almonds. Keep pulsing and blending until you reach a creamy texture. This may take 10-20 minutes depending on the power of the food processor/blender. Do not get discouraged, it will eventually turn into almond butter!

Almond butter almonds chopped
When first blending, the almonds will look chopped

As pictured below, the almonds have pulled off from the sides of the blender. Use a spatula to scrap down the sides as you go. The natural oils from the almonds get released which is what helps it to become creamy. Again, no added oils, salt, or sugar is needed!

Almond Butter smooth almonds
The almonds have pulled off the side of the blender. Blend a little longer to get the creamy almond butter.

After 10-20 minutes of pulsing and blending, the roasted almonds should reach creamy consistency as pictured below.

almond butter smooth butter
The final product: the raw almonds are now a creamy almond butter
3 cups of raw almonds will produce 16oz almond butter

Almond butter can be used in many different ways:

  • In smoothies
  • Baked goods
  • On a sandwich (e.g. PB n J)
  • Dip for fruit (e.g. apples) or vegetables (e.g. celery)
  • Homemade dressings
  • Overnight oats
  • In oatmeal, on pancakes or waffles

Store in an airtight container like a pint glass jar and refrigerate. ENJOY!

Almond Butter Jar with Almonds
Almond Butter Jar with Almonds

Simple Homemade Almond Butter

This simple recipe only uses almonds to make homemade almond butter. Save money by making your own!
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Servings 16 oz


  • Food processor or blender (Ninja is my favorite!)


  • 3 cups almonds raw


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread almonds evenly on a baking sheet.
    2. Bake almonds for 10 minutes. Let cool before touching.
    3. Transfer cooled almonds to a food processor or powerful blender. Pulse and blend until creamy. *see notes below
    4. Store in a pint jar (16oz) in the refrigerator.


*Depending on the type and power of your blender or food processor, it may take 10-20 minutes to reach creamy butter consistency.  Using the Ninja blender, it takes 10-15 minutes of pulsing and blending to reach desired texture.  
*It is best to pulse in steps, scraping sides with spatula as you go.
Keyword almond butter

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