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Toxic Plastic

Not only is plastic harming the environment, it is also harming our health. Plastic products are made of a variety of chemicals. These chemicals can impact your health in numerous ways– reproductive problems, cancer, hormonal changes, skin irritation, etc. Here is a list of plastic ingredients and the adverse health effects that they can cause:

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🚫Phthalates (DEHP, DINP, and others)- endocrine disruption, linked to asthma, developmental and reproductive problems

🚫Polyvinylchloride (#3PVC)- can cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, chronic bronchitis, ulcers, skin diseases, deafness, vision failure, indigestion, and liver dysfunction

🚫Polycarbonate, with Bisphenol A [BPA]*(#7)- has been linked to cancers such as breast and prostate, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes/insulin resistance, hyperactivity, hormonal changes including reproductive issues like low sperm count (BPA mimics estrogen)

🚫Polystyrene- can irritate eyes, nose and throat; it can cause a variety of neurological effects such as dizziness, hearing impairment, delays in reaction time, tiredness

🚫Polyethelyne (#1 PET)- suspected human carcinogen (may cause cancer)

🚫Polyester- can cause eye and respiratory-tract irritation and acute skin rashes

What items contain these plastics?

👉Water bottles, toys, baby teethers, food packaging, baby bottles, cups, disposable diapers, tampons, plastic wrap, storage containers, disposable utensils, clothing, shoes, pacifiers, product packaging, pop/soda bottles, kitchenware, plastic bags, water coolers, straws, cling wrap, take home food containers, egg cartons

What changes can you make?

👉Choose toys that are free from BPA/Phthalates/PVC (future post coming on my list of favorite non-toxic toys!)

👉Choose glass or stainless steel water bottles, cups, and drinking straws

👉Use glass baby bottles and sippy cups

👉Store and heat food in glass storage containers (acidic/oily/fatty foods that are stored in plastic can break down the plastic causing chemicals to leach into food; also heating plastic can cause the same issue)

👉Choose baby teethers made of wood that are unfinished or polished with natural beeswax and food based oil, or made of 100% food or medical grade silicon

👉Switch to cloth diapers (can be reused and are cost effective!)

👉Buy food in glass containers or buy in bulk

👉Use reusable canvas shopping bags instead of grocery bags

👉Use reusable sandwich bags like these or food wraps

👉Avoid plastic bottled water, bring your own reusable water bottle

👉Limit or avoid use of canned* items, choose fresh when possible

Protect Your Health, Environment, & Wallet

Making small changes to what you use on a daily basis can make a large impact on your overall health. Not only will you be helping your body by eliminating toxins from plastic exposure, you will also be helping the environment. Plastics are not biodegradable and thus they pollute the water, land, and air. They also harm and kill wildlife.

In addition to helping the environment and your health by eliminating plastic, you also save money in the long run! By replacing one time use plastics with reusable products, you will save money over time. Who doesn’t love to save money?! 🙂

*Note: BPA is also used in the epoxy resin that lines the inside of metal food, such as canned goods and soda cans. Avoid using soda cans or canned good when possible or look for BPA free cans. When it comes to plastic items, beware that even though the product may be labeled as BPA free, it does not mean it is safe. It is good that the plastic product does not contain BPA but it can still contain other harmful plastic compounds.

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